I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
This resource relates to colour displays around the classroom or art area.
You can increase to A3 for a larger display.
• ‘Colours’ Poster for display
• ‘Colour Mix’ Poster for display
• ‘What’s your favourite colour?’ Poster
• 11 Posters for display naming the colours: red, blue, white, orange, brown, pink black, grey, purple, yellow and pink
• 11 Flashcards naming all the colours
• 6 ‘What colour does …… and …. make?’ Posters
• 2 Sets of worksheets for each colour (total: 22)
There are various methods to get a brown mixture- I’ve chosen red and green in the display. Children can experiment during art lessons or when colouring.
Question card displays - What is your favourite colour?, What colour does yellow and red make?
<strong>There are also two sets of worksheets for each of the colours.</strong>
Worksheet 1: Children draw and label four things for each of the colours.
Worksheet 2: Children colour in the blank splash with the correct colour and then draw and label four things relating to that colour.
You may be interested in Colour Activities:
File Type: Word and pdf.
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I have uploaded differentiated worksheets relating to matching initial uppercase and lowercase letters to pictures. Students also trace over dotted alphabet letters.
Aimed at: Reception/Year 1
Total download: 80 Sheets
Alphabet worksheets with three pictures and letters on each page for students to draw lines to match up. (Lower case letters).
Alphabet worksheets with three pictures and letters on each page for students to draw lines to match up. (Upper case letters).
Alphabet worksheets with three pictures and letters on each page for students to draw lines to match up. (Lower case letters with letters underlined).
Alphabet worksheets with three pictures and letters on each page for students to trace over the dotted letters and then write letters and draw lines to match up. (Lower case letters).
Alphabet worksheets with three pictures and letters on each page for students to trace over the dotted letters and then write letters and draw lines to match up. (Upper case letters).
Students can colour in the pictures.
Laminate for write and wipe: Alphabet worksheets with four pictures and letters on each page for students to trace over the dotted letters and then write letters and draw lines to match up. (Lower case letters).
Laminate for write and wipe: Alphabet worksheets with four pictures and letters on each page for students to trace over the dotted letters and then write letters and draw lines to match up. (Upper case letters).
Visit my store for the freebie that goes with this resource.
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File Type: PDF
This resource relates to the alphabet. There are two sets of activity sheets to support children’s learning of the alphabet.
Aimed at: Reception/Year 1
Each letter activity covers half a page (A5 size) to be cut out.
Download: 29 Sheets
Activity 1: Children can trace inside the ghost letters with different colours and then trace over the dotted letters. Draw pictures beginning with the letter on the activity sheet, e.g. ‘Gg’ pictures.
Activity 2: Children say and sound out the letter, trace inside the ghost letters and over the dotted letters. They should only colour in the pictures beginning with the letter stated. There are 5 pictures for each alphabet and children need to colour in 3 that start with the same letter name/sound.
File Type: Pdf
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This St. Patrick's Day product can be linked to myths, legends and beliefs.
Aimed at: Keystage 1/Lower KS2.
This resource contains worksheets and activities to reinforce tens and ones concept and there is also additional work on partitioning 2-digit numbers using the abacus.
- (4 pages) - Worksheet - Drawing a line to match the ten and ones place value grid to the number on the leprechaun's hat and then completing the missing statement below the hat:
e.g 13 is _____ tens and ____ ones.
- ( 4 pages) - Worksheet (higher numbers) - Drawing a line to match the ten and ones place value grid to the number on the clover leaf or shamrock and then completing the missing statement below the leaf:
e.g 23 is _____ tens and ____ ones.
- 6 pages - Pot of Gold cut and paste activity - Either the abacus or the post of gold is missing in the three column table. Students have to figure out the number on the place value grid and then either cut out and stick the correct pot of gold or abacus that matches the place value grid.
- 12 pages - Abacus activity - The leprechaun says a number in the speech bubble and the student then draws the correct amount of beads on the abacus to match the number.
File Type: PDF
Hope you enjoy this resource and thank you for stopping by.
Royalty free images from Microsoft clipart and free images form Pixabay.com.
This resource is for Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten.
Also suitable for ESL/EFL students and students still finding it challenging to discriminate sounds.
A lovely addition to your phonics lessons and literacy resource center.
Just print onto card paper and laminate - use drywipe pens for activities.
The cards are editable so you can change to black and white print out and stick into students’ book as a record of their phonic work.
Rimes are:-
-at -an -am -ut -un -ug -ox -ot -op -og -it -ip -in -ig -et -en -eg -ed- -ay -ap -ag -um
-ud -ub -od -ix -on -ob -ix and -am.
1. cat
zip and pip
There are 58 CVC cards and they have a double use.
How to use:-
1. The student looks at the picture and say what it is.
2. When s/he knows what the picture is they attempt to sort out the scrambled word by sounding out initial medial and final letters.
3. S/he then writes the word correctly on the line.
Other uses:-
There are 58 CVC cards which are made up of 29 pairs of onset and rime words and pictures.
- Lay out pairs of cards for the student to match the rhyming pictures and then unscramble the words and write them out correctly.
As an extension they could write funny rhyming lines into their ELA books.
E.g. A bug is in a jug. Dad is mad.
File Type: Word and PDF
Learning Objective: To learn why it is traditional to eat Anzac biscuits on ANZAC Day.
• PowerPoint Presentation (7 Slides)
• Reading Comprehension divided into 4 sections A to D.
<strong>PowerPoint Presentation - 7 Slides</strong>
Slides 1 to 6: Explains the difference between hardtack and ANZAC Biscuits which are traditionally baked on 25 April.
Slide 5: Students are asked to identify the difference between the two recipes for hardtack and ANZAC biscuits.
Slides 7: The presentation ends with a review and questions on the topic.
<strong>Reading Comprehension</strong>
The reading comprehension is divided into four sections from A to D.
In each section there are four questions to answer.
The reading comprehension sections include:
• Close reading
• Multiple choice questions
• Punctuation
• Providing their own opinion
• Using their imagination
• Examining differences
• Spellings
Answer Sheet provided.
Triangular page borders by SillyOMusic
File Type: Powerpoint, Word and PDF format
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This resource relates to room visuals that you can display in your classroom or art area.
There are also two sets of worksheets for each of the colors.
Worksheet 1: Children draw and label four things for each of the colors.
Worksheet 2: Children color in the blank splash with the correct color and then draw and label four things for that color.
• ‘Colors’ Poster for display
• ‘Color Mix’ Poster for display
• ‘What’s your favorite color?’ Poster
• 11 Posters for display naming the colors: red, blue, white, orange, brown, pink black, gray, purple, yellow and pink
• 11 Flashcards naming colors
• 6 ‘What color does …… and …. make?’ Posters - What color does red and green make?
• 2 Sets of worksheets for each color (total: 22)
File Type: Word and pdf.
You may be interested in: Color Activities for PreK/K
This product is a two-piece jigsaw puzzle.
Ideal for children to practise matching quantity to numerals in figures and words.
Children match the number of hearts on the jigsaw piece to the number on the other piece.
There are various combinations of two piece puzzle to fit together.
The pieces are in plain white and red hearts.
Cut out the jigsaw pieces you want children to put together.
Plus there is a St Valentine Penguin puzzle to do.
PPT and PDF format in a folder - just print off.
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<strong>UPDATED with colorful text around the operation signs.</strong>
<strong>Contents: </strong>
- Zero flashcards - number and word
- A4 sizes display of numbers 1 to 100
- Flashcards - 1 to 120 and words one to twenty
- Number cards for children to trace over the dots - 1 to 30
- Operation Sign displays - plus, minus, multiply, division and equal signs
- Set of flashcards for teaching step counting in twos - every second card is a different color - 2, 4, 6, 8 etc.
- Set of flashcards for teaching step counting in fives - every fifth card is a different color- 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 etc.
- Set of flashcards for teaching step counting in tens - every tenth card is a different color - 10, 20 , 30, 40 etc.
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US/UK Version of product as it is in PDF format.
This product relates to counting. Students choose the correct colors to count and record the numbers.
Aimed at: Pre-K/K
• Teacher Notes (3 pages) -with suggested activities
• 20x – Color Count Heart Cards – 2 colors
• 10x – Color Count Heart Cards – 3 colors
• 10x – Color Count Heart Cards with Number Track – 2 colors
• Color Flash cards with color words
• 1 sheet of four different color number tracks
Laminate the above and cut out the flash cards and number tracks.
A lovely resource which can be used for one-to-one and small group assessment.
It can be used as an early morning math input for students to practice counting.
In addition, students will be consolidating their knowledge on colors: red, blue, black, purple, orange, white, green, gray, yellow, brown and pink.
The counting cards are differentiated.
For students that need some support:
There is also a set of cards with a number track. For example, if the card has 5 white hearts and 4 red hearts, s/he counts the red hearts and then point to the number on the number track before writing the number next to the red heart picture.
Extension work example
For the more able children, you can ask how many hearts altogether. This will lead into more formal addition work: 3 green hearts + 4 orange hearts equals 7 hearts altogether.
Please see Preview Pane for additional resources.
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UK Version:
<strong><a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/alphabet-activities-trace-draw-and-colour-pictures-beginning-letters-of-the-alphabet-11698198”>Trace Draw Colour Pictures Beginning Letters</a></strong>
This resource relates to the alphabet. There are two sets of activity sheets to support children’s learning of the alphabet.
Aimed at: Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten
Each letter activity covers half a page to be cut out.
Download: 29 Sheets
Activity 1: Students can trace inside the ghost letters with different colors and then trace over the dotted letters. Draw pictures beginning with the letter on the activity sheet, e.g. Gg pictures.
Activity 2: Students say and sound out the letter, trace inside the ghost letters and over the dotted letters. They should only color in the pictures beginning with the letter stated. There are 5 pictures for each alphabet and students need to color in 3 pictures that start with the same letter name/sound.
File Type: Pdf
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This resource is primarily aimed at EYFS/Reception and Year 1 as it relates to counting to 10 and writing addition sentences using a Tens Frame.
The only preparation is to print and laminate the A4 size task cards.
• All Task Cards are also on PowerPoint Slides
• 10 Counting Task Cards - PDF
• 25 Addition Task Cards - PDF
• 2 Blank Ten Frames
• Teacher Notes
Counting Task Cards
The cards are on PowerPoint Slides and as PDF activity worksheets which you can print off and laminate. Students count the counters or dots and write down the number.
You can do this activity as a whole class. Play the PowerPoint Presentation and students can either say how many counters they see or write the answer on their whiteboards.
25 Addition Task Cards
The addition task cards are on PowerPoint Slides. Hand out whiteboards/dry erase pens. Show one or two slides.
Tell students that There are two blue blank boxes below the tens frame for students to write two addition sums.
Ask: How many blue counters do you see?
Ask: How many yellow counters do you see?
Now tell the students to write an addition sum using the plus and equals sign and then to show you on their whiteboards.
Ask: Does it matter which way we write the addition sum? And would it change the answer?
You can print out the task cards as they are also saved as PDFs and laminate for students to practise write addition sums two ways.
Other suggested uses
Learning about doubles.
Select some of the addition cards including those with the same amount colours on each card, i.e. 1 + 1; 2 + 2; 3 + 3; 4 + 4; 5 + 5.
Ask children what they notice about the number of counters? Same number repeated twice, 3 + 3.
Say 2 + 2 = 4 is the same as saying double 2 is 4
3 + 3 = 6 is the same as saying double 3 is 6
All the task cards on are on PowerPoint, so you can change the colour of the counters and print off.
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You may be interested in:
More’ hands on’ Addition and Subtraction using Ten Frames Presentation and Practical Activities/Worksheets
Addition and Subtraction within Fives Frame
Subtraction Tens Frame 55 Task Cards
This resource relates to adverbs of purpose or reason and is a basic introduction to one word or two word adverbs of purpose.
The sentences are simple and uses common adverbs of purpose. Ideal if you want to do a recap of adverbs of purpose.
It consists of posters or anchor charts which you can display and/or use to teach with.
Teacher Notes
12 Posters or anchor charts
22 Flashcards of adverbs of purpose (single words and phrases)
Set of 4 worksheets with answers
The worksheet activities comprise of
finding and underlining adverbs of purpose;
completing sentences with appropriate adverbs;
multiple choice question worksheets;
writing ‘why’ questions and working with a partner to answer the questions with adverbs of purpose/reason.
Hope you find this resource useful.
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This resources relates to numbers 0 to 5 and missing numbers. There is basic addition to 5 for the early years children and for more able up to 9
UPDATED to include worksheets in PDF Format.
Aimed at: Early Years/Reception/Year 1
This resource contains two lesson starters on PowerPoint.
The numbers are from 0 to 5 on the grid.
Learning objectives: Recognise numerals to 5 and count in order; to begin to add two sets of numbers together.
Presentation 1 (24 Slides) - Each grid has a missing number and children write down the missing number. This extends to two missing numbers.
Presentation 2 (20 Slides) - Each grid has two missing numbers. The children write down the missing numbers and then add the missing numbers together.
The total of the numbers range from 1 to 9.
3 activity worksheets - finding missing number, cut/paste activity and adding numbers together to no more than 9.
Activity worksheets in b/w
Counting activity - Find and Count Minibeasts and colour and b/w
There are extra worksheets for early finishers. They can be used to supplement other teaching of number work and addition.
Also includes US paper size.
These reading comprehension worksheet and activities can be used in the lead up to St Patrick’s Day or for your myths/legends unit.
Students can pair up for reading the passages.
This product contains two reading passages and a dedicated worksheet on homonyms.
Worksheet on homophones:
Section A: 7 sentences - students choose and write in the correct word so that the sentence makes sense.
Section B: The words that are not used in Section A, students make up 7 sentences of their own.
E.g. Section A - Saint Patrick is the patron saint of ___________. (Island/Ireland)
Section B - 'Island ’ would be incorrect if used in the above sentence, so in this section students make up a sentence with ‘island’.
Text 1: The Evil Black Pig of Monaghan (St Patrick is challenged to get rid of the pig which causes fear and destruction in the village) contains 4 paragraphs Sections A to D. Students can work in pairs to read the story and then answer the 12 questions.
Tasks included: Searching for answers in the text, gap filling, multiple choice, adding paragraph headings, word work such as finding a compound word, dictionary work.
Text 2: Leprechauns: (Symbol of St Patrick’s Day/Ireland) - Students complete both paragraphs with missing words using the 9 words in the in the word box.
Additional work/Early finishers:
There are 8 tasks to complete in the second part of Text 2 worksheet which relates to various word and sentence work and putting words into alphabetical order.
Answers/Solutions included.
Total pages: 11
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Maths Activities:
Worksheets relating to cvc words.
A lovely addition to your phonics lesson to support phonic work.
Aimed at: Reception/Year 1.
It consists of 2 sets of 54 worksheets together with picture and word cards in colour and black and white.
Teacher's Notes included for suggested activities.
Children look at the picture and say what it is. Then they colour in the letters that make that word. When they have coloured in the letter, the children rearrange them to spell the word and write it on the handwriting guide line.
If some children get stuck, I have included words cards with the same pictures which you can put in the middle of the table for the children to find that matching picture that is also on the worksheet. With the help of the card, children can colour in the correct letters on the worksheet.
Please see Preview pane.
CVC words used:
cat, rat, bag, tag, van, man, sad, pad, nun, sun, hut, cut, net, jet, hen, pen, leg, peg, pin, tin, hot, pot, dog, log, bed, red, bug, jug, zip, rip and lip, cap, map, mop, hop, fox, box, sit, hit, pig, wig, six, mix, sob, cob, ham, yam, pod, rod, tub, cub, mud, bud, sum and gum.
File Type: PDF
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This resource relates to tens and ones place value worksheets. Now includes PDF fillable worksheets, which your students can complete on a computer device.
There is a total of 25 worksheets with three different activities.
Some students may require concrete objects to help them.
To make this a practical lesson together with the worksheets, you can set out base 10 towers or dienes, unifix cubes or other objects to help students set out tens and ones/units columns and then complete the worksheets.
• Worksheets (A) to (I): Write the number the base 10 tower blocks represent
• Worksheets 1 to 8: Cut/paste base 10 tower blocks activity
• Worksheets 1 to 6: Describing numbers
This product contains three different activities relating to tens and ones.
Worksheets (A) to (I):
Students work out what number the base 10 towers represent and then write the number in the circle.
Worksheets 1 to 8:
This is a cut and paste activity. Students read the numbers in the circles and then look for the tens and ones towers that represent that number. They cut out and glue the correct tens and ones onto the blank boards.
Worksheets 1 to 6:
Students complete a table.
On the left-hand side are numbers. For each number students describe the number in tens and ones. Worksheet 1 shows the first example, e.g. the number 16 is 1 ten and 6 ones.
Extension opportunity: The more able can expand each number, so 16 would be 10 + 6
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This resource is on the theme of minibeasts. The teachers notes explain how each set of loop cards are used and how they are different. It is similar to other loop cards or follow me games but counting minibeasts and revising addition and subtraction.
A fun way to practise reading numbers and counting and reviewing addition and subtraction through listening and speaking. Student learn to read ‘I have’ and ‘Who has?’ to start the game.
The cards can be used in small group sessions or whole class sessions.
**Preparation: Laminate, print off and cut round coloured borders onto card paper. **
This resource has now been updated to include 7 sets of loop cards.
The borders are different colours so that the sets are not mixed up.
Teachers Notes (3 pages)
Total Download: 66 pages (2 large cards on each page)
Includes US spelling - ladybird/ladybug
Please see preview pane.
Learning objective: Counting and reinforce number recognition.
To review addition and substraction
You may be interested in the free minibeast subtraction loop card:
A St. Valentine-Themed resource but it can be used at anytime of the year.
Aimed at YR/YR1, SEND.
• 6 Lovebug Worksheets in colour (Also in b/w)
• 7 Hidden Hearts Worksheet
• 8 Hidden Roses Worksheet
• 1 Blank Lovebug worksheet for your use
• Number Track with/without hearts
• Number Line
Lovebug Worksheets
Students count the hearts on each side of the bug and then write in the missing numbers in the equation and solve. Some reception children in the second term would be able to solve the equations and do the hidden hearts and roses worksheets.
7 Hidden Hearts Worksheets
These worksheets entail subtraction methods, either counting up to work out the answer or counting back.
Students can use the number track/line to help them. E.g. If there are 6 hearts and 2 are hidden, students can count up from 2 to get to 6 or use the 6 – 2 method.
Students can use their fingers or mental arithmetic strategies.
8 Hidden Roses Worksheets
These worksheets are similar to the hidden hearts worksheet except that the roses are hidden in the middle of the glyphs.
Thank you for your interest:-)
This maths resource relates to place value: tens and ones and is ideal for whole class and small group settings.
Use as a lesson starter, plenary or for a practical lesson on tens and ones.
Aimed at: Keystage 1
It contains resources to enable the educator carry out activities to reinforce children’s learning of place value.
I have suggested 7 activities in the Teacher’s Note. You can adapt to suit the abilities of your students.
The ultimate learning objective is for the students to understand the importance of place value relating to 2-digit numbers.
Teacher’s Notes (includes description and pictures of activities)
Digit cards numbers 1 to 120 inclusive
Display cards of 1-digit numbers 1- 9 and single block of cubes
Display cards of 2-digit multiplies of 10 - 90 numerals and tens tower blocks
Title cards for tens, ones and units
Cards displaying numbers and words together, e.g. 2 tens to 9 tens and 1 ones to 9 ones (these are also used in suggested activities)
Pictures of tens tower blocks from 1 ten to 9 tens for activities
Tens and Ones to laminate and cut out
What am I? (to be laminated onto card)
Counting in tens using tens tower blocks
Matching activities
Sorting tens and ones
Making numbers with tens and ones
Extension to higher numbers - 20 to 99
Examples of Questions asked
How many tens are you holding up?
Make 12 with tens and ones cards
What does 1 stand for in the 2-digit number 16? What does 6 stand for?
Show different tens and ones and ask What am I?
This can be a standalone activity resource or combine with the tens and ones lesson:
File Type: Word format and PDF